The Utility of Blockchain for the Fine Art Industry
An original Picasso painting typically sells for millions of dollars. Can’t afford one? Learn how you can buy a masterpiece for a fraction of its price.
Crypto Political Campaign Donations for Congress
HODLpac and Crypto for Congress are two initiatives aimed at expanding the use and adoption of digital assets among Congressional candidates, elected leaders, and engaged citizens. Read on to learn how to accept crypto donations for your congressional fundraising campaign.
Intro to the World of Cryptocurrency
Security of Art, NFTs, and Cryptocurrency
How to Self-Custody, Back Up, and Inherit NFTs with Vault12
NFTs enable creators to revolutionize art, but they also support additional use cases, including digitization of many types of unique physical and digital goods (such as concert tickets and identity documents). Learn how you can protect these valuable assets with Vault12.
How to Secure, Back Up, and Protect NFTs
Today, NFTs are enabling creators to revolutionize art, but they also enable additional use cases, including support for many types of unique physical and digital goods, such as concert tickets and identity documents.