Seed Phrase Backup.
How To Back Up Your Crypto Wallet
Backing Up Your Crypto Wallet With Vault12 Guard Preserves Your Personal Crypto Security
Risks of backing up your seed phrase on paper.
Paper is inherently vulnerable as a medium for long-term storage of any information - but the risks can be somewhat reduced if you counteract its weaknesses.
How to securely destroy your paper seed phrase backup.
You should remove all traces of temporary seed phrase backups.
How to back up a Seed Phrase
There are many ways to back up a seed phrase. This article summarizes for you the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
How to back up your seed phrase on Cryptosteel.
A highly secure way to backup your seed phrase is by recording it onto indestructible metal plates. This type of backup strategy is one of the most likely to pass the "test of time."
Back up your Seed Phrase or add an asset using Vault12.
If you already have a Guard Digital Vault and a Seed Phrase, these steps show how to store your Seed Phrase as an Asset.
How to use Cloud storage to back up your Seed Phrase.
Read this article if you want to better understand the strengths and potential pitfalls in storing your seed phrase in the Cloud.
How to back up your seed phrase to a local device (like USB).
It is tempting to just back up your seed phrase on a USB stick and drop it in a drawer. Here is why not to do that.
How to access your Recovery Phrase or asset stored in Vault12.
If you need to access your Seed Phrase or other assets from your Vault, this article shows how you can ask your Guardians to unlock them to grant you access.
Be careful what you back up to your "brain wallet."
You probably wouldn't want to rely on your memory to back up your life savings, but this article offers tips for how you can remember things like seed phrases more effectively.
How to Secure your BitClout Account Seed Phrase with Vault12 Guard
BitClout is a new social network that uses a unique seed phrase as your account login. Learn how to back up your BitClout seed securely and protect your account.
How to Secure, Back Up, and Protect NFTs
Today, NFTs are enabling creators to revolutionize art, but they also enable additional use cases, including support for many types of unique physical and digital goods, such as concert tickets and identity documents.
How to Secure your BitClout Account Seed Phrase
BitClout is a new social network that uses a unique seed phrase as your account login. Learn how to back up your BitClout seed securely and protect your account.