November 2018 Vault12 Engineering Progress Update: Alpha Release
Vault12 Blog

November 2018 Vault12 Engineering Progress Update: Alpha Release

After almost four years of development, design and a successful ICO we are ready to launch our Alpha program. Currently by invitation only, we are enrolling Vault12 investors in the program to test out the core functionality themselves.

As we release subsequent Alpha release builds we will expand the scope of people involved in the program. Stay tuned to our Telegram channel.

Let's get an update from the R&D team — meet Blake Commagere talking about the upcoming release.

Vault12 Alpha Program with Blake Commagere

Blake Commagere, co-founder of Vault12 discusses the Vault12 Alpha

Here's a quick update on the design behind Vault12 from Brandon Forant, the designer responsible for creating Vault12's simple but powerful user experience.

The Design Philosophy behind Vault12 with Brandon Forant

Brandon Forant talks about the design goals of the Vault12 app.

If you are an investor in Vault12 — check your inbox for an Alpha Program invitation. Everyone else — please feel free to subscribe to our updates — we will be sending invitations to subscribers very soon.

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Vault12 Blog

November 2018 Vault12 Engineering Progress Update: Alpha Release

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Vault12 is the pioneer in crypto inheritance and backup. The company was founded in 2015 to provide a way to enable everyday crypto customers to add a legacy contact to their cry[to wallets. The Vault12 Guard solution is blockchain-independent, runs on any mobile device with biometric security, and is available in Apple and Google app stores.


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