
Backup and Inheritance for B

Vault12 Guard Explainer
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Vault Guardian Token ($VGT)

The Vault Guardian Token ($VGT) is a US-based Token on Ethereum (ERC-20) with full utility (aka ancillary asset), used to exchange value on the Vault12 network. Vault12 users purchase crypto inheritance and backup services with VGT, and Vault12 Guardians who participate in the network to protect and store shards of crypto assets also have the potential to receive incentive rewards (subject to prevailing regulations). The Vault12 network is a completely decentralized and distributed system.

$VGT Utility

Since 2020, the utility for $VGT is fully realized at or by going to the Vault12 website and pressing on the "My subscription" button. This will take you through the process to use $VGT to purchase or top-up Vault12 subscriptions. As a benefit to existing token holders, the cost for a Vault12 subscription is discounted by 50% when paid for using $VGT. The step-by-step process is available in our guide.

Note: Due to restrictions on the iOS and Google App Stores, no references to this capability are present in the iOS or Android versions of Vaut12. As soon as these restrictions are lifted, people will be able to directly fund their accounts. Meanwhile, users can use to purchase subscriptions with $VGT.


  • A cryptocurrency investor wants to protect their passphrase by backing it up somewhere other than on paper and make sure it can be inherited by their heirs. They download the Vault12 app, assign guardians and a beneficiary from their friends and family network to protect the vault and add the wallet seed phrase into the Vault. The Vault is paid for using $VGT, this covers subscribing to the Vault, paying for the default relays that connect him to his guardians. Everyone in his Guardian network can choose to guard the Vault for free or to get an incentive for providing protection via the Vault12 app.
  • A traditional financial investor wants to make sure access to their assets is always available, even if they lose their phone, or are in quarantine. They set up a Vault on the Vault12 network and save their financial account details – account number and access code into the Vault. The Vault is protected by their network of friends and family as well as their lawyer. The investor uses $VGT to pay for the Vault12 subscription, and to incent the lawyer for Guarding the Vault.

Vault12 has completed the Token Offering and Token Generation Event (TGE) has occurred. More information is available at the links below.

Vault Guardian Token ($VGT)


As noted in the Vault12 network whitepaper, the total supply of VGT is fixed at one billion units. Smart contracts govern vesting of tokens on the predetermined time-frame as documented in the Token Distribution Summary document.

There are different definitions used for circulating supply. All information about the supply of VGT and addresses where VGT is located are publicly available on the Ethereum blockchain.

Token Allocation Summary

The Vault Guardian Token (VGT) has been successfully deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet and distributed to investors on November 14th, 2018.

Token Allocation Summary
Security Audit

Security Audit

The Smart Contract Security Audit has been completed by PepperSec and is available below.

Get started now.

The Vault12 Guard app is now available from iOS and Android app stores.
