How to claim your Inheritance
Vault12 Help

How to claim your Inheritance

How to claim inheritance as a beneficiary

As a beneficiary, it is within your power to claim inheritance in the event a Vault Owner passes away, or becomes incapacitated. Follow the steps below to initiate and claim Inheritance.

When the time comes to access the inherited digital assets, the Beneficiary opens the Vault12 app, selects the Vault to be inherited, and activates Inheritance. This will send a safeguard message to the Vault owner — just in case the Beneficiary is actually jumping the gun. The owner has a set period of time - 48 hours - to veto the request.

  • Once the Vault is ready, the Beneficiary is asked to contact the Vault owner's Guardians.

The Guardians are contacted out of band, e.g., by phone by the Beneficiary, and asked to do a Vault Restore.
The Vault restore/asset unlock process is the same process that Guardians may have enacted multiple times for the owner — so nothing new for them to do.

3. Restoring Assets

  • Once the minimum number of Guardians have confirmed a Vault Unlock, the assets are transferred to the Beneficiary.
The Inheritance process is complete, and the new Beneficiary will be free to disburse the assets as specified by the Vault owner's Will or Living Trust.

The Vault12 Digital Inheritance capability is designed to ensure that all digital assets — not just cryptocurrency — that are backed up in the original Vault are passed on to the designated individual in the future.

Vault12 Digital Inheritance is part of the Vault12 app, and is now available in the App Store, Google Play, macOS, and Windows. Download at

If you are a lawyer or a crypto investor please view our web seminar hosted by the Chamber of Digital Commerce, with
- Philip C. Berg, Otterbourg P. C.
- Jason Lederman, Senior Associate, Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP
- Wasim Ahmad, Chief Crypto Officer, Vault12
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Vault12 is the pioneer in crypto inheritance and backup. The company was founded in 2015 to provide a way to enable everyday crypto customers to add a legacy contact to their cry[to wallets. The Vault12 Guard solution is blockchain-independent, runs on any mobile device with biometric security, and is available in Apple and Google app stores.


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